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Beatrice Priestly

B.A.;  M.L.S.;  and M.B.A. (completed Summer 2008)

I  passed time in and chosen libraries as my vocation for my second wholley satisfing way to serve as a concerned citizen . I am able to organize people, places, and most things except  my  cluttered apartment..  

 My positions setting goals,  my reading research, my experiences in watching organization mechanisms, and my positions in libraries serve to prepare me as a go to person to a small busines to get that leap into the the medium value range on up with coaching. 


     In the past, I have thought it important to work towards optimum conditions for better service to customers.           

     Now I believe I want to turn my planning and organizing and advocacy techniques to provide a hand up, a lift to the merchants in the community. Like a parent on a plane in a bad turbulences, we as librarians must serve as inparental locis  to youth and our local merchants. we must put on our own oxygen masks immediately, then turn to help our children and other passengers 


I took inspiration by the life of my parents. Dad is no longer here, yet he is with me. Mom continues to be important to me with worldly advice.  Look closely at my life  no matter their size and the values people place on them. I say That through them I am able to stand on the shoulders of giants.  As I exam and seek what is next in my life Just like me she too is moving on with life.s journey. In moving on with our interests we are both taking baby steps feeling out what we are able to accomplish in the present. The present and future are gifts so we are going to be fine involved enjoying the path while we are reflective on what we experienced in the past. 

On this my web site and on the photo album page you will see past photos from her lovely garden, an oasis. Now we try to control the burden of nature,  rethink values, return it to a  warm and pleasant place to ponder life. It is a challenge, yet to keep the oasis and limit her activity is a new stage she enters as her value system changes.  I am entering a new stage as well. 

What is up? What is next on this road I travel?


 I hope to use my preparation as a Librarian, my gained knowledge with the MBA degree to serve  the greater urban surburban setting that Monmouth County has acheived. 

I like to  synthesize the ideas. I assemble some points that could encourage your team to manage their project or meets up with your objective.  I talk to colleagues and then I get people to Use the tools at hand to get creative and run or walk with a promising plan..  We must accomplish somthing ,accumulate  knowledge to steer to the center..  We work best on what we can see is a common view that meets up half way with your customers wishes, wants.to gain I in advantage.

This experience and knowledge and abilities can best serve to possibly help a company create a strategic plan. In addition, I can serve any one or a group of several nearby small or medium sized business as a specialized librarian for small projects and objectives. 

Thinking that Only the large firms should have librarians with the best research cues

is plain old stinking thinking. Burying your head like an ostrich does not get you to the next destenation. Gather yourselves and get a lift. Please check into the Plan for Fort Monmouth New Jersey develpoment It is being managed by Cushman and Wakefield commercial realtors. They may even have the plan on the New Jersey government web site.   nj.gov or state.nj.gov.


WRITINGS    *     EVENTS     *    AWARDS

Getting To Know BP.....

I have been involved in libraries all my life. The Summer Reading Clubs of my youth, to a source of recreational reads, to a source of professional development reading materials--libraries are the place to be. I was not aggressive yet It was only fitting that I turn to libraries for a portion of my career path.

"Meet Beatrice Priestly, the Principal Librarian...." an article that covers me by Robin Martin of The Link News of Long Branch, NJ was published in the November 16, 2006 issue on page 16.

Here is a link to the article: